Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Time to find inner joy, with intention

There’s something special about random encounters. If nothing else, they typically make for a great story. But sometimes, they leave a lasting mark, capture my heart and stir up my inner joy – and really, isn’t that joy what life is all about?

There’s the lady I met on the skytrain who wrote down “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end” on a piece of scrap paper and gave it to me because she could see I was having a hard day. There was the guy who gave me his umbrella because it started to rain while we waited for the bus and I didn’t have one. There's the many randoms who come up just to say i have a great laugh, reminding me of the joy something small and intangible can bring others. 

And then there are romantic encounters. There’s the guy I met while my friend was making out with his who showed me deep family bonds and is still a big part of my life today. There’s the guy who yelled out “I love you” across a hockey arena, and made my frozen heart melt again for the first time in ages when I thought I’d never feel that way again. There was the guy who chased me through a stadium during a home and garden show just to say hi, and showed me what it meant to have laughter part of every day.  And then there are the guys who showed me a look across a crowded pub in Ireland or at a hockey tournament, could make my heart skip a beat and time stand still.

I’m experiencing one of those encounters right now.

For months, I’ve been catching eyes and smiling at a stranger in Starbucks, which I stop at nearly every day during my morning commute. He’s always with a group of about six guys and they all say good morning, but he just usually smiles. They’re not there every morning, but I can typically count on that sweet smile at least once a week.

Last week, I was a tad later than usual getting to the Starbucks – like 30 min. it was the week leading up to Christmas and I was in charge, so given the low attendance in the office, I decided I’d take my time and come into work on time, versus early as per usual. As I rounded the corner to the entrance, I noticed the group of boys, cute Starbucks guy included, exiting. I got my smile and I continued in to pickup my mobile order, and when I came back to the door they were still outside.

Mr. Cute Starbucks guy himself, walks right up to me and I thought, “here it is, it’s my moment!” and says hello and unlike the last time I tried to say hello and nothing came out of my mouth (I know –shocking considering it’s me), real words with sound came out! He handed me a note with “BCG” written on the front, saying that he thinks this is mine. Now completely thrown off my game, I said thank you and carried on with my morning.

Well it turns out BCG stands for “Beautiful Coffee Girl” and the note had so much more than a phone number scrawled on a piece of paper. Cute Starbucks Guy wrote me a letter, and judging by the creased and roughed up edges, along with the detective skills of and me and my ladies, it appeared as though he’d been carrying it for some time.

My favorite comment in the letter?

I want you to know that the brief moment when you walk past and smile when you get your coffee is one of the best parts of my morning J

It’s something special to hear that you’re one of the best parts of someone’s day, especially with something as simple as a smile – which is what I had on my face the rest of the day….and every time I look at the letter. It’s also refreshing to hear that those moments weren’t all in your head, that someone else felt the same inner joy you did for at least that brief few seconds.

I’ve decided 2017 needs to be about finding more opportunities for joy and about creating my own joy. It needs to be about finding new things that make me smile, make me feel fulfilled and help define me in a way that I’m lacking right now. I need to take a hard look at where I’m at and where I want to be, and then make the necessary changes to get there. 2016 has had wonderful moments, but I’ve sat back and let things happen versus taking charge and finding my bliss.

I want more BCG moments that are small but make my heart sing. Sing with me?