Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Perfectly Pouted and Polished....

“How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said.”

so much can be said when two lips touch - a million messages pass into your head the moment contact is made. people always say that you can tell if a person is for you when you have that first kiss... it sounds too fairytale-esque; it seems so very much like cinderella or the frog prince, where that fit is "just right." we all scoff at the idea but deep down we all know it's grounded in truth.

i can't how many times that one kiss just changed everything. sometimes it was followed by a feeling of relief and the anticipation of a future full of kisses just as perfect. in that kiss a million promises unfurled before me - the promises that young girls are fed from infancy. Promises that one day our prince will come, one day we'll ride off into the sunset, one day there will be diamond sunbursts and marble halls and most importantly, one day someone will love you with all their heart.

but of course there are also those kisses that tell you that this will never work and even when you tell yourself that a kiss is a silly reason to let go of someone you barely know...holding on gets you nowhere.

the problem is that when you have the chance of falling on either side of the fence, it can deter you from making that move for fear that the lips will tell you everything you need to know. when you anticipate that first kiss and it's a let down, it hurts the heart a little. you begin to wonder if those lips will ever whisper the right words.

there is a person i've wanted to kiss - just because i've been brainwashed to believe that that one kiss is going to tell me whether that person is my person. but i can't bring myself to do it, no matter how i feel - there are other circumstances that deter me, such as the worst timing in the world - i just don't want to risk falling on the wrong side of the fence with that ruling that the lips have spoken.

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