Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just call my name and I'll be there...

Today my director of communication called me into his office. He wanted to lend me a book that he had told me about last week when I spoke of my love for Cirque du Soleil. I had expressed how mesmerized i was by the performers who spend their entire lives training to do something that they love and then get to share that love, that passion, that fire with millions of people.

My talk reminded him of this book The Spark: Igniting the Creative Fire that Lives within Us All.

I've only been able to read a little bit on the skytrain ride home but I thought I would share this bit from the foreword:

"They [Cirque performers] have learned to surrender to their senses, trust their instincts, take risks, and meet new challenged in an artistic and nurturing environment. They work alone and they work together learning to connect with and touch people in new ways, endeavoring always to reinvent themselves. And they aspire to give back to the world in the endless continuum of change, exchange and renewal; they are catalysts. From a tiny spark a great fire was kindled and its flames warmed the world..."

Too often people lack real passion in the job that they do. You don't have to be a traditional performer to have fire or to inspire change. You can be a performer in your own life - be your own star. Right now i have a sheep hanging on the wall of my office; it symbolizes leaving the flock behind and forging your own path. It's made quite a few people stop and take a closer look and maybe it's made them think too.

My director told me today, during a scheduled one-on-one meeting, that my writing made him think. that my writing showed heart and that i had a skill there. he encouraged me to find my own passion may it be with our company or another, highlighting how i'm young enough to choose and fortunate enough not to be trapped in one area.

He extended his hand to me, letting me know that anything I needed in terms of job support he was willing to give and that he looked forward to seeing what i produced with my term extension.

I'm so excited and grateful to have that support from a director. The director of communications at NRCan never even introduced himself to me. Taking notice of even the smallest employee is the mark of a good leader in my opinion. My GM at my former job took notice of every employee and knew each by name, regardless of the job that they performed. And people respect him in a way that his predecessor never experienced.

Oh in case you're wondering about the title. my director said that during our meeting and i pointed out it was a song lyric and he remarked that's where he gets all his best lines. Humour: another trait that can be hard to come by when dealing with superiors in a corporate environment.

Have I mentioned that i love my job?

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