Saturday, March 5, 2011

Going Steady..

It's official, i'm going steady with my company for a while. I signed the paperwork yesterday for my new position. Publications Writer/Editor 3 --> That's me!

It's a Full Time Temporary (FTT) position for the first six months and then they will post the job officially and I can apply for the permanent position. Doing it this way allowed them to get around formally posting the job and doing a formal hiring procedure right off the bat. It also gives me the chance to really understand my job and prove that i'm awesome at it before they hire other contenders.

it feels so good that my future actually seems to be unfolding. It took me seven years to finish university and that time was often filled with so much uncertainty where I wasn't sure where I would end up or if I would be able to make it in the real working world.

i've been really fortunate with every job that I have ever received. i have had the chance to vie for some amazing opportunities and once i've gotten myself in there i've been pretty lucky at making a good enough impression that i've been able to secure myself a place there in the long term.

when i got the letter of offer yesterday...i can't remember the last time I felt that excited about something. i'm pretty excited about graduating in June, but this was a whole other level. I haven't even graduated from university yet and i am fortunate enough to have a job right out of the gate.

K and I had a tea date last night and we were discussing how we're both "happy career women" and we both feel so fortunate to be able to say that we're truly happy with how our lives have unfolded thus far and the place we are at right now. A place where everything is not necessarily exciting all of the time but it is good and we are happy. I don't think that a lot of people are happy with their lives or are in love with their job more often than not. i've worked at a number of places where people don't necessarily like their job but they're stuck there or they aren't motivated to find something they enjoy. At this company you really don't get the sense that people dislike their jobs. everyone is so passionate and involved. it's a fun collaborative environment and yet we produce a large volume of work.

i think i have chosen "a real fine place to start."

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