Monday, January 17, 2011


**I'll say hey you say baby how's your day i'll say crazy...** (yes this is my ring tone...)

Me: Hello?

J: Hey

**random chit chat**

J: so are you still a Capricorn?

Me: Nope, i'm a Sagittarius.

J: Oh really? yea i'm a Virgo now.

Me: Now...? i've always been a Sagittarius...

J: Oh so you didn't change


J: They changed all the astrological signs, you might not be a Sagittarius anymore.

**I dash to computer and google madly**

Me: WTF, what's a Ophiucus?

J: i'm guessing you're the new sign?

Me: yea no longer a Sagittarius by one day...

So that was how my weekend unfolded itself. I lost my astrological identity. Not that i ever paid all that much attention to astrology but I always felt that i was a Sagittarius, I mean the personality traits always made sense. Fire sign, fiery temper, redheaded. And i know you're thinking but they make those traits so general that they could apply to anyone. But check out this one: *ahem* "Because of their desire for change, Sagittarians may have a hard time committing to a relationship for very long."

Now if that's not me to a T then i don't know what is.

Of course i've now had to learn my new personality traits. They're pretty much the same across the board on all websites:

* A seeker of wisdom and knowledge (it has taken me 7 years to complete my undergrad because i kept extending my degree)
* A flamboyant dressing sense, favouring bright colours. ( i LOVE colour)
* Authority looks upon him/her well (very obedient, never got into trouble.. missed that rebellious gene)
* Would make a great architect or builder (ok we strike out here)
* Number 12 is the lucky number.
* Will have a big family but will leave home at an early age (i LOVE the idea of a big family but am concerned about its practicality...and well...i've left home a couple times...and came back....but i was only 18 the first time)

But my favorite, and the one i think is the most applicable personally, was found on one website which declared that Ophiucus' are "wearers of plaid".

I am choosing to interpret this as my astrological sign understanding my love of country music. Accordingly, when i walked past the display in Walmart with $9 plaid shirts...i bought two.

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