Monday, January 10, 2011

The Year of....

i'm a bad blogger....i know, a really bad blogger. i fall off the band wagon whenever life gets too interesting. I will try and be better in case there is someone out there who actually reads this since i know how frustrating it is when my favorite bloggers don't have any entries for a couple how i just suggested i'm someone's favorite blogger? oh dear.

so my girlfriend K has decided that 2011 is the "Year of K." Everyone seems to have "their" so called year. My friend J claims it was her 23rd year because that is when everything fell into place for her educationally, professionally, romantically etc. She convinced me that 23 would be a fantastic year and 23 came and went and meh it wasn't bad but it wasn't fantastic and didn't really feel like the year of me. I'm still waiting for the "Year of Me" but i'm using that theme and slightly trying something new for 2011.

My New Year's resolutions this year are:
- To be kick ass professionally
- To get a permanent job placement and stop working contract positions
- To save enough to purchase a condo by the end of the year

now i don't think 2011 is necessarily going to be the "Year of Me" in exactly the same way as for K, but i think it will be a year for myself in that i'm going to focus my energy on myself, on improving myself in every aspect of my life and of becoming a stronger more independent person than i am already.

This year i will not worry about not being in the same place as all of my friends. This year i will acknowledge my age and the success that has already come my way and be happy with what i achieve.

This year i will not reach past what is realistic, nor will i compare myself to people who are in entirely different places than myself.

This year happiness will be an integral part of my lifestyle and those things which do not add to my life in any way will be cast off to make room for something new.

This year i will let love find me if it so chooses and i will not worry, nor actively seek out relationships because i have so many other things that i should focus on for myself in the present. Worrying about being the "single friend" in my circle of girlfriends will no longer be a concern because I will accept that everything happens in its own time.

I will embrace new situations, opportunities and people. I will relinquish control over those things which i ultimately have little control over and accept what comes my way.

It's time to turn a page and be a better person.

Oh Brave New World. Hello 2011.

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