Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hot Commodity

Yea you read the title correctly.

I was informed by my girlfriend J that I am now considered a hot commodity in that particular circle of friends.

of course this posed the question of why to tumble out of my mouth. (i'm sure a very confused look was also painted on my face).

You see this particular circle is my group of married friends and this past weekend I found out 2 of them are pregnant. So now, not only are they all married they are also moving in to baby land - 2 places i am no where near.

But yes J informed me that I am now considered a hot commodity because i am the only single person all of them know.

How did this come to be realized you might wonder. Well whenever a single friend of the husband happens to be over the question of "so do you have any single friends?" surfaces. After some pondering the group's token redhead (ahem, me) took centre stage.

Now i've always liked playing the lead BUT the cherry on top of this great big sundae of delight?

I only know the rest of the group through J - i'm their friend by extension. This means that their "real" friends are ALL attached. They have literally had to grasp at straws to come up with a single friend.

That's right, hot commodity RIGHT HERE!

*le sigh*

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