Saturday, June 26, 2010

Missed Opportunities

have you ever had a dream about a coworker? awkward isn't it? especially when you see them the next day at work and just the sound of their voice or someone mentioning their name makes you turn red (i'm a redhead remember, it seems as though redheads embrace all forms of red on any part of their bodies, esp the face and when embarrassed and any skin showing when it's sunny).

but back to the point of my post. last night i had a dream about one of my coworkers, a not so PG 13 type dream. the odd thing is that i've never thought about him in that way before...and now it's all i can think about.

it's kind of like when someone puts an idea in your head, that maybe you've never considered, and suddenly it seems as though it could be a possibility.

i've been working this job for about 2 months now and i love it. i'm doing media relations and i'm the media contact for a group of 7 teams who work across the province. it's been a great opportunity to learn some managing styles as well as developing my own way of organizing an deploying media for the teams. we've been pretty successful so far this summer and i'm hoping that will be a theme that carries on. the problem is this is only a co-op position so it's done at the end of August.

a couple people who work in the office suggested that i make a pitch for keeping my position. basically demonstrate the need for it to be a full time position and show the difference their media has had this summer compared to last summer.

the thing is it really depends on budget. my position used to be full time and then media relations swallowed it up and made it a summer co-op position instead. so i'm not sure whether to pursue it but i can't get it out of my head.

deciding whether to pursue things can be difficult if you have something to lose. my friend T is another thing i can't get out of my head. i've known him since i started university 6 years ago and he's become one of my best friends - a friendship that has survived both of us relocating at different points. both of us have expressed interest in each other at different points but our timing has always been terrible. either i was dating someone or he was, or we were getting over other people, or not living in BC. there's always that lingering "what if?"...for me anyways.

the difficulty in deciding whether to pursue anything more than friendship with him comes down to if it didn't work, would i lose my friend. i don't know if i'm willing to take that risk. we do have a pact however that if we hit 35 and we're both still single we're getting married - it was originally 40 but we both want kids. this pact surfaced because we're both hopeless when it comes to dating.

but while with T i might lose a friend, with this job i guess i have nothing to lose since it's scheduled to end in August anyway. so maybe i should suck it up and work on my proposal.

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