Saturday, July 10, 2010

Life Unexpected

I've been a blog slacker lately. I had my first paper of the semester due a couple weeks ago and post-paper i'm only interested in relaxing.

I've only got a month left at my job placement. I'm going to be pretty sad when it ends to be honest. I really don't want to go back to the auction. I love being in an environment with people who want to be there and who all work hard to get the job done. Also, doing a job that I enjoy and that is something I'm interested in helps too.

Every time i go back to the auction it feels like i'm stepping backwards, that i've failed somehow. I know, well the rational side of me knows, that it's a temporary means to me finishing school. It's difficult to find a job that is so flexible with a student and still pays a decent wage. But that place is filled with people who don't want to be there, but are because they feel that they have no other option. Most don't take pride in their work, they're lazy and they don't even try to hide it. They also don't pay enough for long term employment - UNLESS you make management and then the hours are off the charts covering for all the slacking employees.

But i have to finish 3 classes...yes i said 3. The English dept is screwing me over an issue that I had dealt with 3 years ago and they're making me take an additional class. So it turns out my last semester will not be as easy as I originally thought.

It'll all work out. it always does. life may be completely unexpected but it does have a way of working itself out in the end. i do firmly believe that things will fall into place for me, but i really wish they would fall a little bit faster. my impatience is getting the best of me.

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