Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Angry Tummy Alert

My tummy is so not happy right now. It's my fault really, I had to have my venti chai latte from Starbucks. Should have gone with the soy milk though....you'd think i would learn.

I'm somewhat lactose intolerant, can't eat spicy foods, can't handle a lot of caffeine, alcohol is tough on me too. to top it off, stress or being upset means my stomach pretty much wants to eat itself. When i moved to Ottawa last year i had about a month of the monster in my gut....really was unfortunate for my roommate although he had enough strange quirks that me hogging the upstairs bathroom almost balanced out in the end.

random note about strange roommate: you know he only went grocery shopping the first week we lived there together. he bought a case of Kraft Dinner but only for the noodles - he didn't like the "cheese" powder that came with it. when i asked why he didnt' just buy pasta he stated it was easier his way. he lived off pizza (ONLY from Canadian 2 for 1) the rest of the term.

anyhow, i've figured out that i have a mild case of IBS which is what causes me so much grief. although for the longest time my doctor insisted i just had a sensitive stomach. it's manageable most of the time especially now that i've figured out what works for me. but every now and then i find myself indulging in things i shouldn't...

like chai lattes...

or tequila.. (i really should avoid this for more reasons than the revenge of my stomach)

but i can't seem to help myself. it's like when you're baking cookies and it comes time to add the vanilla and you inhale its sweet yet subtle scent before you measure out your teaspoon. It's at this moment that i usually think about downing the bottle.

i know it doesn't taste good, i have learned that lesson...i'm sorry to say...more than once. i've gone through the whole: "well maybe this time it willl be different".."anything that smells that good can't taste that bad"...."maybe i had just brushed my teeth last time". My mom would always tell me not to taste it, but i never listened and ended up with a foul taste in my mouth.

A lot of things are like that, you know you shouldn't and next thing you know you are reaping the consequences.

it seems that with the way we have been programmed we have to experience everything, even those things which may hurt us (ie.burn) or make us cringe (ie.bad taste). we continue to throw ourselves in the path of probable harm in order to see for ourselves what its like. we disregard other people's warnings, we ignore the effects on others.

And sometimes we make it through ok, a better person in the end finally learning the lesson........and other times we're still tasting the vanilla from the bottle.

so here i am, streaming the latest episode of Glee and nursing my little monster into submission.

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