Sunday, May 9, 2010

Will the Real Ticketmaster Please Stand Up

So I seem to have a bit of a ticket buying problem....Usually i'm really good about buying tickets - I only ever buy tickets to something i REALLY want to see (usually theatre) and I only ever buy the tickets when i KNOW FOR CERTAIN that I have someone to go with me.

Then it was announced that Carrie Underwood would be coming to Vancouver.... on my birthday...and let's face it, she's here on MY BIRTHDAY - how can i not go?

PROBLEM: I don't have very many friends who like country music....let me rephrase that: i really have no friends that like country music the way that i do. I do have a couple who tolerate it for my sake when i just *have* to go to Roosters and my best friend P is slowly being converted but she can't listen to anything too country yet. As a result i have missed out on tons of country shows that i would have loved to go to. More specifically, i missed out on Kenny Chesney 3 times - THREE TIMES!

But like i said before, it's my birthday - i HAVE to go!

So i purchased the tickets without having anyone to go with assuming that it would turn out ok. and you know what? it did. P agreed to come with me because it is my birthday and Carrie Underwood leans towards pop enough that she could totally handle it and probably enjoy it.

Crisis averted....then JRFM makes another concert announcement.

Toby Keith is coming to town! July 25th! and those wonderful people at JRFM emailed me a pre-sale code....really how can i not use it?

PROBLEM: *see above* AND Toby Keith definitely falls into the too country pile.

BUT it all worked out last time so next thing you know i'm hitting submit and my credit card is being charged...they are pretty amazing seats though - on the floor in the first floor section which the stage juts right through. And i've got two of them....maybe i can put my feet up?

I must subscribe to most mailing lists for country related events (y'all didn't see that one coming did you) and for theatre goups. So it comes as no surprise that i'm on the Cirque du Soleil mailing list. now i've been pretty lucky when it comes to Cirque. I've been able to go twice for free. The first time one of my acting teachers in high school called me up on summer break and offered me an extra ticket. The second time there happened to only be 7 kids in my French 12 class and as part of a culture study we got to go to Cirque on the school's dime. I've had a couple emails in my box taunting me for a couple weeks about a 25% off sale for the upcoming Kooza show.

PROBLEM: not a lot of my friends are into the whole live performance thing and most of them are a little tight on money right now due to the fact that most of them are a good 5 or more years older than me and while i'm 3 classes short of graduating, they're married, thinking about kids, having kids or buying property.

So what do i do? duh, if you haven't noticed the theme already, I buy them.

maybe i'll give P one for her upcoming birthday?

i've been saying for a while now that i need some younger, single girlfriends (all of mine are out of that stage of life where they decide at 9pm on a Friday - hey let's go dancing! and i kind of live to just go dancing) maybe i need to expand that to include theatre-going and country-lovin'.....something to think about

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