Saturday, May 8, 2010

May the Name be with You

My girlfriend is pregnant and was informed at her ultra sound the other day that she will be having a boy!

we're all so very excited. i'm experiencing crazy baby fever right now so i can't wait to kidnap her little bundle of joy....yes i said's a problem i'm working on it...

We were on the discussion of names today and apparently she suggested to her boyfriend that she pick the first name and he can pick the middle name. After cycling through millions of names that D rejected continuously, K threw out a different suggestion

K: How about Lucas?
D: Lucas...i like that
K: Maybe Lucas Charlie - Charlie after my dad?
D: no, Lucas Skywalker
K: you're kidding right?
D: nope *pats belly* hello little Lucas Skywalker

K was amused at first ( I think it's hilarious personally) but it became increasingly clear that D wasn't kidding so much.

She brought it up at work with a couple of her male co-workers who thought it was "pretty cool." One suggested that maybe they could name baby Lucas Anakin...little less out there but still holding on to the Star Wars theme. K brought that up with D and he turned it down.

His reasoning?

Anakin was evil....our baby isn't evil.

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